The ultimate productive goal of organized skepticism is to bring the critical-thinking toolbox to society and public policy. Triangle Skeptics strives to make a positive difference in daily life in the communities its members inhabit.

Event booth appearances

Our meetups are an important venue for our members to connect and converse, but if we’re going to create change, we must get out in the world where the movable minds are. Members periodically staff a booth at venues including themed museum events, street fairs, and health fairs. Our goal with these appearances is to create a fun, non-confrontational environment that invites people of all walks of life to think about the ways our fallible brains can trick us.

Letter- and article-writing campaigns

Members have had letters published in the trade publications supporting their credentialed professions. These letters can have a substantial impact, and we love to celebrate their publication. Our members have also contributed investigative articles to online outlets including QuackWatch, and have filed professional board complaints resulting in disciplinary measures against practitioners who promote quackery and pseudoscience.

We also encourage our lay members to write letters to newspapers and magazines in response to particularly bad (or particularly good) reporting carried in those publications.