The fourth Wednesday of each month finds us gathered to discuss some kind of cultural work selected by the group to help us all do better skepticism. It’s often a book, but not always. The typical agenda for these evenings goes like so:

  • 6:30pm – 7:00pm: Eat and greet (no prizes for early arrivals)
  • 7:00pm – 8:30pm: Discussion of the featured work
  • 8:30pm – 9:00pm: Selection of next work; nominations

Selection criteria

  • Books (nonfiction and certain historical fiction)
  • Recorded lectures
  • Long-form essays
  • We aim to steer clear of works with a strong anti-religion bent, and of creators whose body of work is more anti-religious than skeptic. We acknowledge this creates a gray area.
  • We aim to steer well clear of partisan political works.